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팝 & 락891

IBRAHIM SADRI - SENSIZ YARIM IBRAHIM SADRI - SENSIZ YARIM Her iey yarim Diiarida sensiz bir pazartesi Yeniden bailamak lazim Hatirlamamak en iyisi Sensiz yarim Yaianacak ne varsa Bir yarim Merhaba diyor sabaha Zifir karanlikta kalmii Sensiz yarim iarkilar yarim Susmui radyolarda aik Çekip gidiiin gibi Kapkara büyüyor yokluiun cehennemi Yaniyor tutuimui yarim Resimler yarim Gözlerin yok.. 2013. 1. 20.
Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word / Elton John Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word / Elton John Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word / Elton John 엘튼 존은 1947년 3월 25일 레지날드 드와이트(Reginald Dwight)라는 이름으로 중산층 가정에서 태어나 4살 때부터 피아노를 연주했으나 자식이 은행가가 되기를 바란 아버지의 반대로 늘 마찰을 겪었다. 어머니의 이해와 .. 2013. 1. 20.
록의 고전 Sea Of Joy / Blind Faith Sea Of Joy / Blind Faith Following the shadows of the skies, Or are they only figments of my eyes? And I'm feeling close to when the race is run. Waiting in our boats to set sail. Sea of joy. Once the door swings open into space, And I'm already waiting in disguise. Is it just a thorn between my eyes? Waiting in our boats to set sail. Sea of joy. Having trouble coming through,.. 2013. 1. 20.
아메리칸 하드 록의 전설적인 밴드 Styx -suite madam blue Styx - Suite Madame Blue Time after time I sit and I wait for your call I know I'm a fool But what can I say Whatever the price I'll pay For you Madame Blue Once long ago A word from your lips and the world turned around But somehow you've changed You're so far away I long for the past and dream of the day With you Madame Blue Sweet Madame Blue Gaze in your looking glass You'r.. 2013. 1. 20.